Our store builder recommendation for you

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✅ Our recommendation: Shopify

Shopify logo

Of the store builders we’ve tested, Shopify provides the most generous inventory location limits. It lets you make use of 10 locations on all its standard plans, and 200 on its enterprise offering, Shopify Plus. (In fact, many competing ecommerce solutions don’t cater for multi-location inventory management at all.)

On top of this, Shopify is a very powerful ecommerce solution that combines ease-of-use with sophisticated selling features, being particularly good for international ecommerce, automatic tax calculation and dropshipping.

Key alternatives

Key alternative products that provide multi-location management include:

The main advantage of using BigCommerce over Shopify boils down to its multi-storefront feature — you can build multiple stores on any BigCommerce plan, while you can only do this on the enterprise-grade version of Shopify (which is very expensive).

The main advantage WooCommerce presents over Shopify is its open-source nature: technically it’s a more flexible product that can be used to create extremely bespoke websites. However you will typically need development skills or developer support to do that.