Our store builder recommendation for you
Our recommendations are fully impartial but please note that if you buy through links on this page, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
✅ Our recommendation: Shopify
Shopify is one of the most flexible tools on the market for selling digital downloads. First, it gives you a very generous limit for doing so — you can sell files of up to 5GB in size with Shopify, which compares very positively with the limits applied by rivals Squarespace (300MB), Wix (1GB) and BigCommerce (512MB).
It also lets you bundle digital and physical products together (for example, you could use Shopify to easily sell MP3s and vinyl in one package), which is not possible in a lot of competing products (or require workarounds to implement).
So, if selling downloads is a key aim, Shopify is an excellent option.