Our store builder recommendation for you
Our recommendations are fully impartial but please note that if you buy through links on this page, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
Our main recommendations: Wix or Shopify
Based on the questions you’ve answered, and the fact that you need to sell products that come in lots of different varieties, we feel that there are two store builders that best meet your needs: Wix or Shopify.
Of the store builders we’ve tested, Wix gives you the most built-in flexibility when it comes to product options and variants. By default each of your products can include six product options (size, color, material etc.), and you can sell your products in up to 1000 combinations of these.
Other platforms are generally more powerful and scalable from an ecommerce point of view (especially BigCommerce and Shopify) but Wix is a good all-rounder that based on the information you’ve provided will meet your needs well.
Shopify technically allows you to work with an unlimited number of product options and variants — but there’s a catch: you have to pay for a third-party app (like ‘Infinite Product Options’) first.
If you are comfortable with doing so, you’ll be able to sell on arguably the most powerful hosted ecommerce solution on the market, and, thanks to its superb international selling features, certainly the most scalable.